Thursday, January 7, 2010

20100107_Skype Call and Updates

Dear Anne,
Thanks for your help in setting up today's Skype call with your 4th graders. Your kids were wonderful and believe me, my kids are a lot louder than they were on the call. I keep trying to get them loud at the right times :-) Please tell me the name of your 4th grade teacher. I can't quite make it out on the audio of the call. She was great!
We have put together a 40 sec. snippet of the call and posted it on the website. The call was over 20 min so the file is too large for the site. I hope we can get of few more calls posted. I put it on the 'our videos' page.
The program I used to record the call is 'Call Recorder' It has a 7-day free trial if you wish to take advantage. If you like it and wish to purchase, it is $20. It comes on automatically when a Skype connection is made.

Pizzicato, your schedule works for us. We can try a three-way call. If we have problems, you can chat with Anne for 10 or 15 minutes and then call us to take a turn with you. You and Anne work out the time and we will match up with you.

Judy, this call will be at @ 7 pm for us. Not all of my kids will be there, so it would be great if some of yours could join us.

Everyone, please include Judy when doing team emails. She is very much a partner in our project. Her kids are doing some amazing things that will be on the site soon.

Also - we need banners and backgrounds
- we need more podcasts + comments on those posted
- we need more blog posts + comments on those posted
- we need someone to create of collage of student pictures - tell me who will do it and I will email our pics.
- we need to have out students continue to post on NiceNet.
- we need to create additional content showing the "Helping Focus" that GBSI requires.
-We will be sharing some philanthropy stories involving plants we have grown at our school.

Hey, just thought of something that combines some ideas I have read or heard about.
What if one or more of us could each plant a tree of some variety on our school's property. I know schools in Croatia and Israel who planted an olive tree together as a symbol of peace. Olive trees don't grow here. But I digress. Our tree could be a pine but our ground could still be frozen after GVC ends. Here is the idea. Our students send each other letters and cards of friendship and goodwill. As the tree is being planted put the letters in the hole. The idea is that as the letters decompose, they are absorbed by the roots and become a part of the tree and the tree becomes a memorial to our friendship - a living, GVC0906 Memorial. Thoughts?

Anyway, I know this was long. Just had a lot on my mind.

All the best,


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