Monday, November 30, 2009




Principle Theresa近日就會將小朋友的名單傳給Teacher Helen


Thursday, November 26, 2009

FROM: Global Virtual Classroom

Chia, Rick and Anne-

I just wanted to check in with the team and see how things are going.

It appears as though we have made some progress but I would like to see the communication increase between the students over the next few weeks. We are getting to the time where the site topic needs to be decided and the content starting to be developed.

Keep working and having fun.









Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Our GVC partner, Anne gave a feedback

I am so glad to see the websites you are setting up. I will be able to send more photos of our children after they all return permissions. We are so happy to see you, and we hope we will be able to Skype you before Christmas. We will be sure to do some podcasts as soon as we return from Thanksgiving Break. We are off all this week.

In the meantime, our students have been photographing native plants and are starting to learn more about them. This is very interesting for us all as we had a trip to San Diego Botanical Gardens and a speaker about the topic of California chaparral.

We will be following Rick's practice website which will be a great place to collect what we have.
Best to our partners.

We want to know more details about the project - plants

Dear Anne and Rick,

How's going?

We are curious about how you are going to do this project---the procedure, you know. What’s your objective of this theme and what’s your expectation from your students? What and how are you going to start? We want to make sure that we know and understand the whole idea from the very beginning, and then it would be much easier to plan the curriculum.

We’ve finished the introduction, and they’ll be mailed to you soon. And for our school information, you can click this website (English Version) (Chinese Version)

By the way, we’ve helped our students apply an ID from Nice-Net. And our class name is - rgps2009. Last time you asked us about technology tool, students usually use Blogger, Yahoo Mini-Pen, Website, YouTube, PowerPoint, and Gmail at our school. I don’t know if this is the "technology tool" you want to know.

Best Wishes,

Helen (Chia-pin’s colleague)

How about have a net-pal from Raey Guang?

Dear Theresa:

It's getting colder and colder in Taiwan now. I guess snowing would be the weather condition in your country now, right? Anyway, just take good care of yourself.

Ok, let's jump to the case.

Hoping students from each one of us can truely have global communication, we'd like to invite your students that are willing and are interested in having a net-pal from Reay Guang giving a brief introduction of themselves and sharing their school liifes in American. How do you think about this idea? If it's good, I will give you a list of students' e-mail address, and you may help me make a pair. Or you jsut give me your students' e-mail address, then i do the matching, either one is OK for me.

By the way, there are 38 net-pals from Raey Guang.

Here are students' e-mail address (SKIP Here)

I think this might be a good start.

What do you suggest? Can't wait to hear from you again.

Best Regard,


Thursday, November 19, 2009






1. GVC夥伴的研究初步構想大致定位在研究探討"當地植物"。
2. 安排植物參訪行程 例如屏科大、林管處、農改場、墾丁遊客服務中心。
3. 請植物專家到校舉辦師生研習或講座。
4. 結合自然科領域教學 如植物的蒐集、研究、議題探討。
5. 結合美勞領域教學 如拓印 壓花。

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Idea from Rick

Our partner, Rick, is ready to set up a website called Friendship Blossoms. This meaningful name is from Rick's students. It means as we share our learning, we help each other blossom and strengthen our roots. He also hope us to send lots of pictures, slideshows and videos on Friendship Blossoms.

Rick said,

My Tech Club has been working hard on our practice site. It is simple and will include everything our students submit. We will send you the URL this week. Here are some questions.

Here is our big idea for our site. Last week, when I shared Anne's native plants ideas with my students, I asked them to find a connection to the Helping Focus. They would like to suggest this to you and your students - Friendship Blossoms. Their thoughts were these: We each have roots like the plants we are studying. When we do our best, we bloom and blossom. As we share our learning, we help each other blossom and strengthen our roots. We prune our work and ourselves in order to show our best. Sharing our learning will help us become great friends and we will share our best together. They are anxious to hear what you think.

Please send lots of pictures, of everything. Collages of students are nice touches for the site. Slideshows and videos of elements of our projects will also be important. If you have kids who can make some music loops in Garage Band, we can find places to use them. For example, one school could create a podcast of part of an event and a loop from another school could be added to the track. The third school could create a page background or frame for the podcast. That kind of shared work is valuable for our students and makes judges smile.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Plants project from Anne Lambert

Dear all:

Glad we are all in agreement and ready to start this project. We'll start with our local plants this week. Here is our introduction--

Our sixth grade is delighted to start work with you!

Anne Lambert
Muir School
4431 Mt. Herbert Ave.
San Diego, CA 92117
858 268-1954

Sunday, November 15, 2009

plants would be a good theme

Dear Anne and Rick:

Sorry for the late reply. In the past few weeks, our team discussed the topic we are going to discuss with you and we also think that plants would be a good theme. We think that our students can start from campus plants and move toward tropical plants in our hometown or in Taiwan. Students will be expected to do free research on plants they are interested in. If possible, students will also be given tours to some of the plants centers in our province or they will be given lectures about plants. And, students can also make art crafts about plants, such as dried flowers or leaves. What do you think?

Students have been working on the introduction of Ping-tung and they will be done next week and sent to you then. If you have any introduction of your hometown, please kindly send to us, too. We can introduce you to our students!!

Best Regards,


Thursday, November 12, 2009

GVC Team FTP Information

FROM: Global Virtual Classroom

Here's the ftp information for access to your GVC webspace...

HOST http://
USER ID gv09c06
PASSWORD 06g09vc

Your webspace is limited to 200mb. Please keep that in mind if you intend on using significant video components in your site. While you may use some video for introductory and team-building purpose but not for your site, if you run low on space, you'll want to consider deleting non-site material.

Your material should be placed in the httpdocs directory at your domain.

Keeping in mind the fact that this may not be the final long-term server location for your site, be sure to used "relative" linking for links and images within your site.

When building your sites, please do not use filenames that are spelled the same but are different in case (filename.html and FileName.html, for example) in the same directory. The server we use for development accepts these as different files, but one of them gets lost in the transfer process. Please name your files distinctly.

Also, please use the standard .html suffix for you pages instead of .htm

Also, if you use the webspace for things that are related to your team process but not going to be part of the final public site content, please keep that team material in it's own directory, which you should name as "team_temp", which will be deleted for long term storage of the site.



1. 活動排得太緊湊,人數應限制,課務應事先調整好,3-2,6-3的課都重覆上,真實的情境未加以運用。
2. 向外師學到新的教學方法,會用角色伴演中文演練來學英文。
3. 高年級互動較佳,大部份都聽得懂,看到學生能和外國人互動的感覺很棒,可以全英文聽課。中年級還需多加練習,才有辦法互動,也需中文講解。
4. 第一節課可以分兩個場地,兩位外師分開帶活動,中師支援教學。或是利用下課時間,外師進駐情境教室(保健室、圖書室)進行對話演練。
5. 外師兩位稍嫌少,可以在多一些。
6. 學校設計相關活動配合會更好。



Class Name: rgps2009
Your Class Key: 9282Z92R94

1. 上週列印圖片、下週一、二、四、五中午及週二、四晨光時間校隊組員集合完成作品及新增學生帳號至CLASS(rgps2009),集合地點在B41教室,午休國際交流A、B由孟萱師幫忙,主要是屏東8個主題介紹,將圖畫郵寄包裹至伙伴學校。
2. 因為晨光時間集合常有無法到場的學生,進度較難如期達成,請校長一起想辦法解套。


Sunday, November 8, 2009

FROM: Global Virtual Classroom

HI to all 2009 GVC Teachers,

The following link is from a blog of a former GVC Teacher from 1999. He is writing about the GVC program and has a great video interview of his students that participated in the GVC Contest.

Check it out and you might want to let your students view the video and learn what it takes to be successful in the GVC Program.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hello Team:

Hello Team:

I wanted to check in with everyone and make sure that we are all progressing. If you have not enrolled your students yet, please do so as soon as possible. If you have any questions on how that process, please do not hesitate to ask. Also, it is important that the students and the teachers are communicating, getting to know one another and sharing ideas. Thanks for participating in the program.

GVC Program Manager

Class Name: rgps2009
Your Class Key: 9282Z92R94

Thursday, November 5, 2009


時間:2009.11.05 上午8:40

1. 話劇演出很精采,學生能將英語會話結合到日常生活,非常好。
2. 每個小朋友都能參與演出,盡興地發揮自己,非常好。
3. 刷牙歌演唱不是很流暢,學生唱歌聲音太小,動作略為忘記。
4. 下課闖關活動有些混亂 若各處室能協助發糖果 流程會比較順暢。
5. 希望下次可以採取老師自願配合的方式進行Trick-or-treating的活動。
6. 可提早規劃活動。
7. 感謝英文老師辛苦指導,若是學校經費能支援一些會更好〈以免勞心勞力還要破費〉。
8. 錄影人員能在多一位更好。
9. 結束後未能了解學生感想和心得,好可惜。
10. 高年級在後面有些看不到表演。


1. 已有兩組完成蒐集資料 將資料翻成英文
2. 教師準備壁報紙 學生帶美勞用具
3. 11/10 各小組確認圖片 列印圖片 書寫文字

1. GVC夥伴的研究初步構想大致定位在研究探討"當地植物"。
2. 安排植物參訪行程 例如 屏科大 林管處 農改場 墾丁遊客服務中心。
3. 請植物專家到校舉辦師生研習或講座。
4. 結合自然科領域教學 如植物的蒐集 研究 議題探討。
5. 結合美勞領域教學 如拓印 壓花。

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween at Georgetown!

There is much to be known about the American tradition of Halloween. Historians have found ancient traditions linked to this custom long before it was celebrated in America. Today, we celebrate by dressing up in our favorite costumes and go door to door yelling, "TRICK OR TREAT!"

We do celebrate this holiday at school. The children bring their costumes and put them on just before the celebration. Once they are in their costumes, they parade through the school and show other students, teachers and parents what they are wearing. When they return to their classrooms, they have a craft project, a game and usually a treat. Visit these classroom sites to see what the celebrations look like in different classrooms:

Kindergarten, ages 5 and 6, Mrs. Bohl's Room and Mrs. Nederveld's Room

Grade 2, ages 7 and 8, Mrs. Kuieck's Blog

Grade 3, age 8 and 9, Mrs. McDonald's Blog
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