Tuesday, May 11, 2010

明蓁的寄宿家庭Bozana Vidovic來信 大家來找看看Motea的媽媽是從是什麼行業,還有Motea喜歡什麼吧!

Hello to our long distance friends
My name is Bo and I am mom of Matea a Georgetown student
Matea is pan pal with Janny Lee and we are trying to send a e mail to Jenny
We wood like to tell a Jenny Lee how happy we are to be able to have her in our house
We hope this is going to be a good experience for both of are family’s
Let me tell you something about us I work as the financial manager in one big supermarket store
And also have my own perfume selling business .
We live in the house with big flower garden 5 minutes away from school.
Let me tell you something about Matea she is 10 years old
She is a good student and likes to read .
Matea plays a piano and likes to sing
Mateas so happy and she is counting a days of your arrival to Usa.
Please let us know what do you like to do when you come to Usa and what kind of food do you like
Please send us your e mail so you and Matea can write to each other .
We wood like to wish the best to you and your family
Hope to see you soon
Have a wander fool and safe trip
Your American friends and family
I will send you my and Mateas photo so you can see us