Tuesday, May 11, 2010

明蓁的寄宿家庭Bozana Vidovic來信 大家來找看看Motea的媽媽是從是什麼行業,還有Motea喜歡什麼吧!

Hello to our long distance friends
My name is Bo and I am mom of Matea a Georgetown student
Matea is pan pal with Janny Lee and we are trying to send a e mail to Jenny
We wood like to tell a Jenny Lee how happy we are to be able to have her in our house
We hope this is going to be a good experience for both of are family’s
Let me tell you something about us I work as the financial manager in one big supermarket store
And also have my own perfume selling business .
We live in the house with big flower garden 5 minutes away from school.
Let me tell you something about Matea she is 10 years old
She is a good student and likes to read .
Matea plays a piano and likes to sing
Mateas so happy and she is counting a days of your arrival to Usa.
Please let us know what do you like to do when you come to Usa and what kind of food do you like
Please send us your e mail so you and Matea can write to each other .
We wood like to wish the best to you and your family
Hope to see you soon
Have a wander fool and safe trip
Your American friends and family
I will send you my and Mateas photo so you can see us

Sunday, February 28, 2010


如同你所看到的 部落格上的作品是幾位認真的同學所繪製出來的好作品 連Rick老師看了都嘖嘖稱讚呢 讓我引述 Teacher Rick老師的話"BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL!" 我們上半學期的努力 就要進入最後的階段了 Teacher Rick最近忙於比賽網頁的建置 這個禮拜三就會完成作業 請敬請期待

圖左二右二是黃建能小朋友的作品~~~sugar cane(甘蔗)
圖左六右六是方怡靜小朋友的作品~~~betel nut(檳榔)

Friday, January 15, 2010

20100115_瑞光國小與印地安那州Harrison School和加州John Muir Elementary School視訊會議後學生心得


林詩耘(Tina Lee):和美國的同學做交流很開心,可以知道許多有關美國的各種事情,並增加我的英語技能,如聽力,字彙等,使我受益良多。

林其叡(Ray Lin):我們不同地區的水果真是「差很大」,像我們認為綠色的椰子是很正常的,他們卻認為很奇怪,椰子應該是棕色才對呀。

鍾玎萱(Amelia Zhong):我發現美國人愛喝咖啡,不愛喝茶。印地安那州有超過100種的蘭花。其實美國學校的學生也很害羞,跟我們一樣。

劉逸弘(Wilson Liu):能有這種機會是很難得的,這次的視訊算是成功的,希望下次還能有這種學習機會,讓我們更加認識美國人。

鍾沛融(Melody Zhong):能跟國外小孩用視訊對話,是件非常難得的,所以我非常感謝學校有安排這個活動。

翁于婷(Becky Weng):這次的收穫真多,發現我們台灣的甘蔗是紫的皮,在美國那邊卻是白色的皮,真稀奇。

徐新雅(Cindy Xu):和美國學生GVC視訊交流,讓我了解外國人和我們的不同,讓我們有機會唱校歌(瑞光是我們的樂園…)給他們聽,讓他們了解我們。活動中得有趣,克服了我們對外國人的說話方式的障礙,希望有機會能再視訊交流一次。

許維頡(Wei-Jie Xu):我覺得很有趣,讓我們可以和外國人對話,也可以更進一步了解外國人的特產,真希望下次時間長一點,能了解更多植物的知識。

徐偉寗(David Xu):可以學到美國農作物和台灣的差別,也可以和外國學生交談,讓我有很大的收穫,希望能請美國學生用詞簡單一點。

李岳城(Yeson Lee):雖然三個地方相隔很遠,但用網路就可以即時對話。希望下次我們能在晚上進行,好讓他們兩所學校在白天進行教學。

王駿鈜(Ben Wang):跟他們交流時我很緊張,不過還是把該講的講完。對方也很緊張,所以,老師說緊張是正常的,希望下次能進步,也盼望可以面對面交談,不然就是我們到美國或他們來台灣。

鄧羽庭(Sandy Deng):我覺得這次的活動讓我學到許多知識,也認識許多美國朋友,也讓我的英文程度變得更好更有信心,這次我有點聽不清楚對方說的話,希望下次可以改善。

賴詠欣(Cindy Lai):我覺得美國人熱情喔!看到他們這麼歡迎我們,我實在很高興。

王珂涓(Connie Wang):跟外國小朋友做交流,增進互動,順便測一下自己的英文能力,希望以後能夠有更多次的視訊交流。

陳冠茹(Lucy Chen):和美國加州和印地安那州用skype做視訊會議,能成為屏東縣第一所與美國學校交流的學校學生,讓我感到十分榮幸。也了解美國和台灣的農產品有何不同,可說是獲益良多。

柯孟昇(Gary Ke):跟美國學生做GVC視訊會議,我學到了很多外語及知識,希望下次可以跟他們介紹多一點植物,能參加這次的會議,我真的很快樂。

陳冠雅(Wendy Chen):這次的視訊交流,我知道原來美國當地的椰子是咖啡色的,甘蔗是白色的,當地的蘭花有一百多種呢!我所學到的知識都讓我大開眼界。

白芷毓(Peggie Bai):我們在結束前還唱瑞光校歌給他們聽,希望下次他們能講慢一點。

謝亭如(Tanya Xie):雖然我們與他們的學生分隔兩地,但兩邊的熱情仍是無法擋。比較可惜的是,時間太短,使得有幾組無法介紹自己研究的植物。

Thursday, January 14, 2010



1. 植物、水果樣品採買
2. 座位安排、小組預演
3. 頒發獎品
4. 回收上課用書
5. 預試SKYPE效果
1. 攝影(含燒錄):定朋老師、璿姿老師、嘉斌主任
2. 拍照:惠碧老師、明輝主任
3. 簽到:蕙質老師
4. 英語引導:戴綺老師、孟萱老師、唯毅老師
5. 與會人員:學校行政同仁
6. Banner看板製作:總務處及教務處
7. 學生作品收集:戴綺老師



本週五(99年1月15日),屏東縣瑞光國小與美國兩所學校進行Skype視訊互動交流,彼此分享參與GVC(Global Virtual Classroom,全球虛擬教室)國際比賽的學習心得。三所學校克服了地理上的距離與時差所造成的不便,成功了完成了一次國際的交流。參與此次視訊交流的諸位師生都覺得這個活動非常有趣也很有意義。因為不只可以學習英語,還可以把台灣的文化與特色介紹給遠在美國的學生們;為台灣做了一次漂亮的國民文化外交。
GVC為一美國主辦之全球虛擬教室學習比賽。該比賽撮合全球各地學校進行團體學習。學習主題與方式皆由同組之學校決定,並透過師生自己設計架設的網站互相分享學習成果。在這次的比賽中,與瑞光國小合作學習的是美國印第安那州的哈里遜小學(Harrison School)以及加州的約翰米爾小學(John Muir Elementary School),三所學校將此次主題定為「原生植物的研究」。比賽時間從去年十月開始,將於今年三月結束並進行學習成果網站評分。

Saturday, January 9, 2010

20100109_Skype Call and Updates

Hello everyone:
Anne and me just made the skype conference time schedule set and it is
4PM on Thursday (14th) for John Muir,
7PM on Thursday (14th) for Harrison and
8AM on Friday (15th) for Raey Guang.
Just as you said, big day's coming!!yeaaa!!!

And, Rick, can you tell me more about the collage of students' pictures?
I asked Chia-pin if he is able to do this. He's not sure what kind of collage you're talking about.
So, tell me more about the collage!!:)
And, I told Chia-pin about the tree planting ceremony, but he's quite busy then.
So, we'll discuss it here next week!
If the tree ceremony is applicable for all of us, when are we going to make it?
Our winter break is coming from 1/21 to 2/21.
So, we are kinda running out of time......
anyway, have a nice weekend, everyone!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

20100107_Skype Call and Updates

Dear Anne,
Thanks for your help in setting up today's Skype call with your 4th graders. Your kids were wonderful and believe me, my kids are a lot louder than they were on the call. I keep trying to get them loud at the right times :-) Please tell me the name of your 4th grade teacher. I can't quite make it out on the audio of the call. She was great!
We have put together a 40 sec. snippet of the call and posted it on the website. The call was over 20 min so the file is too large for the site. I hope we can get of few more calls posted. I put it on the 'our videos' page.
The program I used to record the call is 'Call Recorder' It has a 7-day free trial if you wish to take advantage. If you like it and wish to purchase, it is $20. It comes on automatically when a Skype connection is made.

Pizzicato, your schedule works for us. We can try a three-way call. If we have problems, you can chat with Anne for 10 or 15 minutes and then call us to take a turn with you. You and Anne work out the time and we will match up with you.

Judy, this call will be at @ 7 pm for us. Not all of my kids will be there, so it would be great if some of yours could join us.

Everyone, please include Judy when doing team emails. She is very much a partner in our project. Her kids are doing some amazing things that will be on the site soon.

Also - we need banners and backgrounds
- we need more podcasts + comments on those posted
- we need more blog posts + comments on those posted
- we need someone to create of collage of student pictures - tell me who will do it and I will email our pics.
- we need to have out students continue to post on NiceNet.
- we need to create additional content showing the "Helping Focus" that GBSI requires.
-We will be sharing some philanthropy stories involving plants we have grown at our school.

Hey, just thought of something that combines some ideas I have read or heard about.
What if one or more of us could each plant a tree of some variety on our school's property. I know schools in Croatia and Israel who planted an olive tree together as a symbol of peace. Olive trees don't grow here. But I digress. Our tree could be a pine but our ground could still be frozen after GVC ends. Here is the idea. Our students send each other letters and cards of friendship and goodwill. As the tree is being planted put the letters in the hole. The idea is that as the letters decompose, they are absorbed by the roots and become a part of the tree and the tree becomes a memorial to our friendship - a living, GVC0906 Memorial. Thoughts?

Anyway, I know this was long. Just had a lot on my mind.

All the best,








Wednesday, January 6, 2010

20100106_GVC Team 6

FROM: Global Virtual Classroom

Chia, Rick and Anne-

I hope that most of us are returning from a break and are refreshed, reenergized and ready to go! I know that I definitely needed the break and now I am ready for the big push. We are reaching a critical time in the GVC Contest. We have only a few months left to complete the project before the deadline. We have done a lot of great work so far and we need to continue with that great work over the next couple of months.

I just wanted to take a moment to remind you that I am here for you. If you have any questions, concerns, comments or just want to say hi, please do not hesitate to email me. I am here to help you, your students and your team succeed.

I am very proud of the work that we all have been doing and the opportunities we provide our students. Let’s continue with the tremendous effort and the amazing work.


Monday, January 4, 2010


Hi Helen and Pizzicato. Hi to each member of our team.

Anne tells me that she is going to do a SKYPE call with you. We love Skyping, too. I need to know your skype username. Mine is richardalanglass. I will try to join Monday but our students are out of school. They return Tuesday. I will be working, though. I have a program called Call Recorder. It will record the audio and video of a two-way Skype call. If you or Anne can record your call, that would be a great video to add to the site. Let's try to set up a time for our students to share as well and I will record it, too. If I did the math correctly, we are 13 hours different. 7 am your time would be 6 pm our time. If that is not too early for you, I could have some of my kids meet me in the early evening here. I have never been able to do a 3-way video (audio only) conference with skype, only two-way, but at least the audio is good. If you or Anne know of a way to record a 3-way video call, let me know.

Happy New Year to each of you,


20091228_Good morning everyone

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year. Helen sent me some great things from Raey Guang. I have posted two new podcasts by their students. She also sent me a great group of slides by featuring Professor Lai and his program on plants they are studying. The slide show is featured in the Our Albums section. Those things are loading as I type this note. So if you check the site immediately, you might have to refresher your browser in about ten minutes. You are each doing great things with your students. Keep up the wonderful work.

Best to you,
