Monday, December 28, 2009







Thursday, December 24, 2009

GVC- Did you received this?

This message is forwarded through Nicenet's
Internet Classroom Assistant
FROM: Global Virtual Classroom

Hi GVC Teachers,

If you have already received this message, I apologize, but my records indicate that I have not received a response from you regarding the situation. Please read the following and respond. Thank you.

We have heard from some of you that our emails are not getting through your spam filters. Some of you have also told us that you must send us an email and for us to reply to your email in order to get through the spam filter. If this is the case for you, please send us an email so that we can reply to you.

We also need to see if we are able to communicate with you through this Nicenet site. The emails that are sent from this site are forwarded to your using your given email address. We need to test to see if you get this email.

Please reply to this email with a "YES" so we will know that this email has reached you.


Charles Esley
Andrew Ezzell

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Rick has received our first podcast ~ We did a nice job!!!

Hello Helen,

They did great! Melody, Ben, Jonathan and Peter were wonderful. It is 1:40 am here. I got out of bed for a drink of water and saw the email notification on my computer. I could not wait. I posted the podcast immediately. I had other changes to the site pending so it will take about 15 minutes to upload. But the students are now on the site. I will write a comment in the morning when I load the other wonderful pictures you sent. Your group is doing beautifully. Anne is sending nice things as well. All of our students are on a two-week Christmas holiday right now. They will be back in school on Jan 5. If your kids are in school, though, don't stop sending their work. I will update things just as quickly as I can.
Thanks again and congratulations on producing your first podcast. The format was fine. I had no problems uploading it to the site.

Best wishes to each of you,



1. 為什麼芒果的果皮是黃色的?
2. 為什麼芒果的果核那麼大?
3. 為什麼纖維那麼粗?
4. 適合重香蕉的氣候?
5. 香蕉的副產品?
6. 香蕉的學名?
7. 甘蔗成熟都被人類吃掉,那它們又如何繁殖下一帶?
8. 甘蔗是不是熱帶水果嗎?
9. 紅甘蔗和一般甘蔗有什麼不同?為什麼紅甘蔗比較甜?
10. 第一個發現檳榔的人是誰?
11. 檳榔可以做成哪些食品?
12. 檳榔除了拿來食用外,還有甚麼用途?
13. 茶放久了會壞嗎?
14. 茶葉不食用,放久了會有甚麼變化?
15. 茶樹除了茶葉還有甚麼地方可以利用?怎麼利用?
16. 黑珍珠為什麼會這麼甜?
17. 黑珍珠在還沒銷售的味道是如何?
18. 黑珍珠有沒有對國外銷售?
19. 咖啡一天如果喝太多會怎樣嗎?
20. 喝咖啡對身體有什麼影響?
21. 世界上有多少種咖啡?
22. 做咖啡一定要加咖牛奶嗎?
23. 咖啡的發源地在哪?
24. 請問咖啡的沖泡有哪些方法?

20091223_Website updates

Hi everyone.

I believe I have uploaded everything you have sent to me. The podcast from Raey Guang is wonderful. The Living Museum pix from John Muir are excellent. I have a good bit from Harrison to get put up yet, but I think we are looking pretty good. I know the site map needs updated but I will probably let that go until I am sure of our pages. Keep sharing your feedback. I need to know your thoughts and ideas.

Merry Christmas,


Reminder of Judging Criteria

This message is forwarded through Nicenet's
Internet Classroom Assistant
FROM: Global Virtual Classroom

Dear GVC Participants-

I hope this messages finds everyone well and hopefully most of us are getting a well-deserved break. I just wanted to remind everyone of the judging criteria that we use for the judging for the 2009/2010 contest.

Consistent with the goals of our sponsoring organization - the Give Something Back International Foundation – in 2008 we added a new criterion related to the "Helping Focus" of your websites. The breakdown of the now four criteria is as follows:

- Content (25%): To what degree is the website appealing to a worldwide audience?

- Presentation (25%): How well is the information presented? How well does it use the Web medium?

- NEW in 2008- Helping Focus (20%): To what extent does the website help users share cultural differences and/or understand environmental or social responsibilities and/or helps others and/or learn about key topics or issues?

- Collaboration (30%): How fully did the students participate in the project? How well did they work together to create their website?

As you can see, the Helping Focus criteria is an extension of the Content criteria, explicitly encouraging teams to include content related to advocacy or involvement in the topic of the site.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you for your hard work and participation in the GVC Contest.

Charles Elsey
GVC Program Manager

Thursday, December 17, 2009






綺_Site Update

Hi friends,

Just wanted you to know our site has been updated. Helen sent some great pics from Raey Guang. Thanks, Helen! Students there are using dreamweaver for some of their work. Those pics have been made into a slideshow and are posted on the movie page. A few have written comments on the podcasts. You can write comments directly to the blog and to the podcasts, so feel free to do so. We have three days of school left before a two-week break. Don;t let our break stop you. I will be here most of the time.

All the best to each of you,


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

萱_The recent mail from Principle Theresa

(Theresa wrote) Helen,

I am still working on collecting names.

We have had three snow storms come through, so many distruptions in our usual school schedule.

I am sending out another round of email survey's today so that I can finish collecting names for you!


(Helen replied) Dear Theresa,

I'm sorry to hear the bad news. Hope everything is fine there.

You probably will receive a mail package recently. It's about the basic introduction of Pingtung. And along with it is a DVD called Cape NO. 7. It's quite famous half months ago. I'm not sure if you've heard that or not.

Anyway, the story of "Cape No. 7" begins with the extradition of the Japanese aliens. When the Japanese Colonial Period ended, all the Japanese in Taiwan had to be extradited to Japan. It makes the end of an era, leaving not only regrets and hatred, but friendship, affection and love. A teacher was in love with his student at that time. When they could finally be together, they were forced to be seperated
by the ending of the war. The story is derived from the pity of love, and thereby comes an old address from the Japanese Colonial Period.

Hope you enjoy the film. You're very welcome to give us feedbacks after watching this film.

Best Regard,


(Theresa replied) Dear Helen,

Everything is well here...but because we have missed lots of school, we are behind on our work! The kids are not as bothered by this as the teachers!

I got your package today! How wonderful! I can't wait to watch Cape No 7! How very exciting!

And, your students did a fabulous job on the introduction to Pingtung! These are outstanding, Helen! I am anxious to share these and get photos to send back.

Thank you so much for the package.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

綺_Website updates

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all of the great materials you sent today. Anne, I put introductory things on the Muir page with hyperlinks to two more pages. I would like to know your thoughts.
Helen, your pictures are in the albums page and best of all, the hard copies you sent arrived today. My kids were so excited. We took a lot of pictures and those are on the site as well.
My kids added a two podcasts and made many more that we will have to edit. Both the blog and the podcasts pages have reply buttons for kids and us to respond. As this grows, we should each respond from time to time.

So please, take a few minutes this weekend and check it out. I'm looking forward to your advice and comments.


Practice site update

Hi guys, Rick just sent a update news to us.
He mentioned the growth of the practice website and also what teachers and students should do in the following days.
He also mentioned the podcasts, and he added very good videos from him and his students.
I think maybe we can also create videos and make them podcasts!!
Take a look at Rick's letter below.


Hi everyone.

Our blog is now working on the practice site. We wrote an entry and set up to allow responses. We would like to have many entries from each school. Give your students a topic, have them write a few paragraphs and email it to me. If you have a photo to go with it, please send that as well. Anne and Joy, a few stories about Camp Palomar would be perfect. Pizzicato and Helen, we would love to see stories from your students. Judy, this would be a good venue for our philanthropy activities.

The warehouse page is up, but I renamed it the greenhouse page. It is for student work we are waiting to place. Let's see what grows here. :-)

We added our first student-created link on Harrison's Native Trees and Plants page. The kids were really excited about this. It is about the American Elm tree. The student did a great job on citing his work.

I am also ready for podcasts. Do each of you have the means to create them? They are really simple, especially if you have a Mac. If not, Send me a video of yourself or the student(s) who record it. I can convert most formats, but make your file sizes as small as possible to save space on our site. The same is true for movies you make as well as slide shows. Let me know what formats you are recording in so I can plan accordingly. Students will also be able to post comments to the podcasts. I will try to post one or two tomorrow as an example.

Don't hesitate to create a podcast, write a blog post or respond to those of others. GVC likes to see the teachers sharing with each other and with the students. Everyone on the team needs to show collaboration.

Please let me know weekly what your students are doing so I can post the information in our report on Nicenet.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

GVC Reminders

We just got a letter from the GVC committee.
Take a look at what they said:

Dear GVC Participants:

It has been a great start to the contest this year and I am very excited to see the progress of each team and how excited the students are during this time.

I would like to also take this chance to remind all teams that each week I should receive a progress report from one member of your team. This helps me get a closer look at what your team is doing, where you are planning to go and it will help me provide any assistance that is necessary.

Lastly, each team is also asked to send me a Team Plan. For those of you who have not yet submitted your team plan, please include the website topic, any plans to overcome challenges (such as differing school schedules and language differences), a statement describing how often teachers and teams will be in contact, and a schedule for putting the website together.

Keep working hard and as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask or send me an email. Thanks for all that you do.

Charles Elsey
GVC Program Manager

GVC- Did you received this?

GVC committees concern if we can get their mails.
We do!
So, just take a look at their mail.

Hi GVC Teachers,

We have heard from some of you that our emails are not getting through your spam filters. Some of you have also told us that you must send us an email and for us to reply to your email in order to get through the spam filter. If this is the case for you, please send us an email so that we can reply to you.

We also need to see if we are able to communicate with you through this Nicenet site. The emails that are sent from this site are forwarded to your using your given email address. We need to test to see if you get this email.

Please reply to this email with a "YES" so we will know that this email has reached you.


Charles Esley
Andrew Ezzell



一、GVC夥伴Anne已收到我們寄去的introduction poster,特別對原住民議題感興趣和關心莫拉客風災的後
續狀況。Nice Job




Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Anne's got our introduction projects!!

Hi eveyone:
I just got a letter from Anne that she's got our introductions!!
She and her students like our projects and she said that they are interested in the aboriginals and really concerns the Morakot typhoon.
Nice job, everyone!!


Thursday, December 3, 2009




二、影印mind mapping的範例供中午學生上圖書室的同學參考,這是可訓練學生快速記憶的方法及整理活用資料的過程。


我們的姊妹校十分喜歡這個idea,Principle Theresa已傳遞此消息給班上老師,由班上老師詢問自願參與此活動的學生。Principle Theresa希望我們除了提供學生的E-mail外,也希望能包含性別這部分,應該是做男女男女的web pal配對。


學生已將自我介紹PO上Nice Net,也分配各小組負責的植物種類,並讓學生到圖書館蒐集資料,將每次的討論進度紀錄下來。

Monday, November 30, 2009




Principle Theresa近日就會將小朋友的名單傳給Teacher Helen


Thursday, November 26, 2009

FROM: Global Virtual Classroom

Chia, Rick and Anne-

I just wanted to check in with the team and see how things are going.

It appears as though we have made some progress but I would like to see the communication increase between the students over the next few weeks. We are getting to the time where the site topic needs to be decided and the content starting to be developed.

Keep working and having fun.









Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Our GVC partner, Anne gave a feedback

I am so glad to see the websites you are setting up. I will be able to send more photos of our children after they all return permissions. We are so happy to see you, and we hope we will be able to Skype you before Christmas. We will be sure to do some podcasts as soon as we return from Thanksgiving Break. We are off all this week.

In the meantime, our students have been photographing native plants and are starting to learn more about them. This is very interesting for us all as we had a trip to San Diego Botanical Gardens and a speaker about the topic of California chaparral.

We will be following Rick's practice website which will be a great place to collect what we have.
Best to our partners.

We want to know more details about the project - plants

Dear Anne and Rick,

How's going?

We are curious about how you are going to do this project---the procedure, you know. What’s your objective of this theme and what’s your expectation from your students? What and how are you going to start? We want to make sure that we know and understand the whole idea from the very beginning, and then it would be much easier to plan the curriculum.

We’ve finished the introduction, and they’ll be mailed to you soon. And for our school information, you can click this website (English Version) (Chinese Version)

By the way, we’ve helped our students apply an ID from Nice-Net. And our class name is - rgps2009. Last time you asked us about technology tool, students usually use Blogger, Yahoo Mini-Pen, Website, YouTube, PowerPoint, and Gmail at our school. I don’t know if this is the "technology tool" you want to know.

Best Wishes,

Helen (Chia-pin’s colleague)

How about have a net-pal from Raey Guang?

Dear Theresa:

It's getting colder and colder in Taiwan now. I guess snowing would be the weather condition in your country now, right? Anyway, just take good care of yourself.

Ok, let's jump to the case.

Hoping students from each one of us can truely have global communication, we'd like to invite your students that are willing and are interested in having a net-pal from Reay Guang giving a brief introduction of themselves and sharing their school liifes in American. How do you think about this idea? If it's good, I will give you a list of students' e-mail address, and you may help me make a pair. Or you jsut give me your students' e-mail address, then i do the matching, either one is OK for me.

By the way, there are 38 net-pals from Raey Guang.

Here are students' e-mail address (SKIP Here)

I think this might be a good start.

What do you suggest? Can't wait to hear from you again.

Best Regard,


Thursday, November 19, 2009






1. GVC夥伴的研究初步構想大致定位在研究探討"當地植物"。
2. 安排植物參訪行程 例如屏科大、林管處、農改場、墾丁遊客服務中心。
3. 請植物專家到校舉辦師生研習或講座。
4. 結合自然科領域教學 如植物的蒐集、研究、議題探討。
5. 結合美勞領域教學 如拓印 壓花。

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Idea from Rick

Our partner, Rick, is ready to set up a website called Friendship Blossoms. This meaningful name is from Rick's students. It means as we share our learning, we help each other blossom and strengthen our roots. He also hope us to send lots of pictures, slideshows and videos on Friendship Blossoms.

Rick said,

My Tech Club has been working hard on our practice site. It is simple and will include everything our students submit. We will send you the URL this week. Here are some questions.

Here is our big idea for our site. Last week, when I shared Anne's native plants ideas with my students, I asked them to find a connection to the Helping Focus. They would like to suggest this to you and your students - Friendship Blossoms. Their thoughts were these: We each have roots like the plants we are studying. When we do our best, we bloom and blossom. As we share our learning, we help each other blossom and strengthen our roots. We prune our work and ourselves in order to show our best. Sharing our learning will help us become great friends and we will share our best together. They are anxious to hear what you think.

Please send lots of pictures, of everything. Collages of students are nice touches for the site. Slideshows and videos of elements of our projects will also be important. If you have kids who can make some music loops in Garage Band, we can find places to use them. For example, one school could create a podcast of part of an event and a loop from another school could be added to the track. The third school could create a page background or frame for the podcast. That kind of shared work is valuable for our students and makes judges smile.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Plants project from Anne Lambert

Dear all:

Glad we are all in agreement and ready to start this project. We'll start with our local plants this week. Here is our introduction--

Our sixth grade is delighted to start work with you!

Anne Lambert
Muir School
4431 Mt. Herbert Ave.
San Diego, CA 92117
858 268-1954

Sunday, November 15, 2009

plants would be a good theme

Dear Anne and Rick:

Sorry for the late reply. In the past few weeks, our team discussed the topic we are going to discuss with you and we also think that plants would be a good theme. We think that our students can start from campus plants and move toward tropical plants in our hometown or in Taiwan. Students will be expected to do free research on plants they are interested in. If possible, students will also be given tours to some of the plants centers in our province or they will be given lectures about plants. And, students can also make art crafts about plants, such as dried flowers or leaves. What do you think?

Students have been working on the introduction of Ping-tung and they will be done next week and sent to you then. If you have any introduction of your hometown, please kindly send to us, too. We can introduce you to our students!!

Best Regards,


Thursday, November 12, 2009

GVC Team FTP Information

FROM: Global Virtual Classroom

Here's the ftp information for access to your GVC webspace...

HOST http://
USER ID gv09c06
PASSWORD 06g09vc

Your webspace is limited to 200mb. Please keep that in mind if you intend on using significant video components in your site. While you may use some video for introductory and team-building purpose but not for your site, if you run low on space, you'll want to consider deleting non-site material.

Your material should be placed in the httpdocs directory at your domain.

Keeping in mind the fact that this may not be the final long-term server location for your site, be sure to used "relative" linking for links and images within your site.

When building your sites, please do not use filenames that are spelled the same but are different in case (filename.html and FileName.html, for example) in the same directory. The server we use for development accepts these as different files, but one of them gets lost in the transfer process. Please name your files distinctly.

Also, please use the standard .html suffix for you pages instead of .htm

Also, if you use the webspace for things that are related to your team process but not going to be part of the final public site content, please keep that team material in it's own directory, which you should name as "team_temp", which will be deleted for long term storage of the site.



1. 活動排得太緊湊,人數應限制,課務應事先調整好,3-2,6-3的課都重覆上,真實的情境未加以運用。
2. 向外師學到新的教學方法,會用角色伴演中文演練來學英文。
3. 高年級互動較佳,大部份都聽得懂,看到學生能和外國人互動的感覺很棒,可以全英文聽課。中年級還需多加練習,才有辦法互動,也需中文講解。
4. 第一節課可以分兩個場地,兩位外師分開帶活動,中師支援教學。或是利用下課時間,外師進駐情境教室(保健室、圖書室)進行對話演練。
5. 外師兩位稍嫌少,可以在多一些。
6. 學校設計相關活動配合會更好。



Class Name: rgps2009
Your Class Key: 9282Z92R94

1. 上週列印圖片、下週一、二、四、五中午及週二、四晨光時間校隊組員集合完成作品及新增學生帳號至CLASS(rgps2009),集合地點在B41教室,午休國際交流A、B由孟萱師幫忙,主要是屏東8個主題介紹,將圖畫郵寄包裹至伙伴學校。
2. 因為晨光時間集合常有無法到場的學生,進度較難如期達成,請校長一起想辦法解套。


Sunday, November 8, 2009

FROM: Global Virtual Classroom

HI to all 2009 GVC Teachers,

The following link is from a blog of a former GVC Teacher from 1999. He is writing about the GVC program and has a great video interview of his students that participated in the GVC Contest.

Check it out and you might want to let your students view the video and learn what it takes to be successful in the GVC Program.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hello Team:

Hello Team:

I wanted to check in with everyone and make sure that we are all progressing. If you have not enrolled your students yet, please do so as soon as possible. If you have any questions on how that process, please do not hesitate to ask. Also, it is important that the students and the teachers are communicating, getting to know one another and sharing ideas. Thanks for participating in the program.

GVC Program Manager

Class Name: rgps2009
Your Class Key: 9282Z92R94

Thursday, November 5, 2009


時間:2009.11.05 上午8:40

1. 話劇演出很精采,學生能將英語會話結合到日常生活,非常好。
2. 每個小朋友都能參與演出,盡興地發揮自己,非常好。
3. 刷牙歌演唱不是很流暢,學生唱歌聲音太小,動作略為忘記。
4. 下課闖關活動有些混亂 若各處室能協助發糖果 流程會比較順暢。
5. 希望下次可以採取老師自願配合的方式進行Trick-or-treating的活動。
6. 可提早規劃活動。
7. 感謝英文老師辛苦指導,若是學校經費能支援一些會更好〈以免勞心勞力還要破費〉。
8. 錄影人員能在多一位更好。
9. 結束後未能了解學生感想和心得,好可惜。
10. 高年級在後面有些看不到表演。


1. 已有兩組完成蒐集資料 將資料翻成英文
2. 教師準備壁報紙 學生帶美勞用具
3. 11/10 各小組確認圖片 列印圖片 書寫文字

1. GVC夥伴的研究初步構想大致定位在研究探討"當地植物"。
2. 安排植物參訪行程 例如 屏科大 林管處 農改場 墾丁遊客服務中心。
3. 請植物專家到校舉辦師生研習或講座。
4. 結合自然科領域教學 如植物的蒐集 研究 議題探討。
5. 結合美勞領域教學 如拓印 壓花。

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween at Georgetown!

There is much to be known about the American tradition of Halloween. Historians have found ancient traditions linked to this custom long before it was celebrated in America. Today, we celebrate by dressing up in our favorite costumes and go door to door yelling, "TRICK OR TREAT!"

We do celebrate this holiday at school. The children bring their costumes and put them on just before the celebration. Once they are in their costumes, they parade through the school and show other students, teachers and parents what they are wearing. When they return to their classrooms, they have a craft project, a game and usually a treat. Visit these classroom sites to see what the celebrations look like in different classrooms:

Kindergarten, ages 5 and 6, Mrs. Bohl's Room and Mrs. Nederveld's Room

Grade 2, ages 7 and 8, Mrs. Kuieck's Blog

Grade 3, age 8 and 9, Mrs. McDonald's Blog
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Saturday, October 31, 2009

We've uploaded the video clips of Halloween!!!

How's everything, Principle Theresa?

I'm writing to tell you that Halloween video clips have been uploaded to the

blog -

Hope you can find your time to visit it and leave your comment for us for the


Thank you

Best Wishes,

Helen from Raey Guang

Thursday, October 29, 2009

20091028_中年級演書_鱷魚怕怕牙醫怕怕 (The Crocodile and the Dentist)

981028_Halloween_Raey Guang Elementary School

1. The mosters'n'ghosts pageant!!

2. Monsters and ghosts from all over the world!

3. The winner goes to.....

4. The little drama by 4th grade students and teachers

5. The hall was full of excited students.

6. Clips of the little drama

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Halloween from Hudsonville

We are very excited to see your video that shows how you celebrate the holiday of Halloween! We will be sharing video and photos of our school Halloween traditions with you, also.

These will be posted to this common blog and also the Blogpals site and our school blog.

What questions do you have about Halloween? Please let us know so we can answer these.

Mrs. Reagan
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


時間:2009.10.22 上午8:40

We are now proceeding our introductions of Pingtung (Taiwan), and it will last for at least one more week. We’ll have several hand-made works of the kids introducing Pingtung’s history, weather, industry, and so on. After we finish it, we’ll send the works to both of you; so that you can post them on the school bulletin or any other way you like to show them. This is what we are working on now.

As for the topic of communication and interaction in the future, we have an idea that maybe we could plan some tours of our own hometown. Because Rick mentioned that they are working on Indian history now, we are so curious about that and it would be great if we can have some planned routes when we visit there one day.

Halloween is in the air!!! To celebrate this special holiday, we're going to hold several activities that are related to the event on the following Wednesday-10/28. We'll video-tape the whole processing and upload it to the blog so that our shcool sister, Georgetown elementary can have a look and also share their experience about Halloween. Hoping through this cultural interchange, we can know more about each other and widen teachers and students' eye view at the same time.





Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Congratulations From GVC


You have confirmed your application for participation in the Global Virtual Classroom Contest 2009/10 by signing into the Nicenet website and you have been assigned to the following GVC team...


Your GVC team consists of...

Raey Guang Elementary School
Ping Tung Taiwan
Chia Pin Chen –

Harrison Elementary School
Warsaw, Indiana, USA
Rick Glass-

John Muir School
San Diego, California, USA
Anne Lambert -

Dear GVC Participants

Dear GVC Participants,

We are looking forward to another great year for the Global Virtual Classroom Program and are delighted you and your students will be participating.

Unfortunately, we are writing to inform you that our site has been the victim of a malicious attack. Needless to say, we regret any inconvenience this has caused you. We wanted to assure you we have a team of information security research and testing experts working on the diagnosis and resolution of the problem.

We wanted to let you know if you need to access the GVC website content at this time, please go to the following

We will continue to keep you informed of our progress. We are working very hard to resolve this as quickly as possible and will advise you when the problem is solved.

In the meantime, you will find the information about the GVC Program at the temporary site. Do feel free to contact us with any questions. Thank you very much for your understanding and your patience.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Moon Festival / Mid-Autumn Festival

My Dears:

Moon Festival is in the air!!!

Here is the story of Mid-Autumn Festival. (取自全民英語檢定輔導月刊)

Once upon a time in September, there were ten suns shining in the sky and the weather was so hot that families couldn't grow crops. People had nothing to eat, and they started to get sick.

A brave man shot down nine of the suns with his bow and arrows. He was a hero, and the Emperor gave him a lot of money and power. He was having a good time, but he became greedy. He wanted more.

He rode through the mountains to find a rabbit that could give him magical pills that would make him live forever.

His wife was afraid that he would do evil deeds, so while he slept, she stole the magical pills and took them herself.

She flew to the moon, but couldn't get back, and so she must stay there forever. She still lives there with the rabbit that made the pills. Can you see her?

Now, it's Helen's turn to ask you some questions.

1. When is Mid-Autumn Festival?

2. How will you spend Mid-Autumn Festival?

3. How do people spend Mid-Autumn Festival in Taiwan?

4. What kind of food do people eat in Mid-Autumn Festival?

5. What heppened when Chand En (嫦娥) took the pills?

Here are some useful words and phrases about Moon Festival.

1. 月餅 - moon cake

2. 烤肉 - barbecue

3. 柚子 - pomelo

4. 滿月 - full moon

5. 習俗 - custom

6. 傳說/神話 - legend

7. 家庭團聚 - family reunion

8. 嫦娥 - The Goddess of the Moon

9. 玉兔 - rabbit

Thursday, October 1, 2009

International Cyberfair

My Dears

  • Please click into the website
  • On your right hand side, you will see a lot of projects listing from years 1996~2009
  • You may select 2009 Finalists, view winners from category-local business
  • There, you may choose Silver, ID 5655: Originality, Unique and Innovation-Sanchung Special Shoes
  • Get into the website and learn more about International Cyberfair
  • For your information, you are also welcome to visit (台北縣集美國小-足下探險家-研究網頁)

Have Fun and Enjoy your Learning!!!

Know More About Helen

My Dears:

Followings are Helen's Personal File.

Please take a look.

  1. Name: Helen Dai

  2. Birthday: 1984/11/14

  3. Birth Place: Kaohsiung City

  4. Star Sign: Scorpion

  5. Hobby: Jogging, Mountain Climbing, Bicycling, Talking with my pets (they are 豆子 土豆 麻糬; one cat, two dogs)
  6. Countries that I dream to: Egypt, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany

  7. Foods that I like: Strawberry, Mango, Pear, Fries, Chicken, Fish

  8. Foods that I hate:Mutton, Goat Milk, Watermelon

  9. Singer that I like: David Tao, Matilda Tao

Now, it's your turn to translate and submit Helen's Personal File to the blog

ps. You're very welcome to keep in touch with me by:



Welcome to the 2009/10 GVC Contest

Hello Global Virtual Classroom Contest Applicants...

Welcome to the GVC 2009/10 Contest.

This note is meant to acknowledge your application and provide you with
information on getting started and prepared for team assignments and start
of activity.

The purpose of this note is to provide you with information on entering the
GVC "Teacher's Lounge" set up for the program, and through it, re-confirm
your intention of participating. This area is open to teachers before teams
are assigned so you have time to get accustomed to the Nicenet environment
before your students get involved.

Once you are signed into the GVC "Teacher's Lounge," you'll see a message
from me in the "Conference" area instructing you to send me a "Personal
Message" through the Nicenet Internet Classroom Assistant system to let me
know that you have registered here and that you should be in the list of GVC
schools to be teamed up with others. If you have decided not to participate
in the GVC program after completing the online application, please let me
know by replying to this email without signing into the Nicenet "Teacher's
Lounge." And please do so before the September 25 deadline for applications.

OK -- To get you signed into the GVC 2009/10 Teacher's Lounge in Nicenet...

On the web, go to...< >

If you are new to the program this year, or if you have forgotten your login
information from previous years and want to set up a new username, click
where it says "Students: Join a Class" under "New Users Start Here." (Yes,
for this purpose, you are a "student.")

(If you have been part of the GVC program in past years and remember your
username and password, or if you can retrieve them via Nicenet's "Forgot
Your Password?" link on their front page, log in the way you used to, and
click on the "Join" link under "Classes" in the left column, and enter the
class key given below.)

You will be taken to a page that asks for a class key. Enter...

E276754GZ4 the space provided and click the "Join the Class" button.

You'll be taken to another form. This is designed to be a fast and easy way
to get started. You will have more options once you have joined your class
(the Teacher's Lounge in this case). The information you provide can be
changed later.

NOTE: Do not use this form if you already have a username and password that
you know and want to continue using. If you can access your user account
from previous year's programs, Log In ( ) and then join your class by following
the links under the Classes menu on the navigation.

The form makes a distinction between required and optional information. For
the GVC program, all of the listed items are REQUIRED:

Email Confirmation*:
First Name:
Last Name:

When all these are entered, click the "Join the Class" button. You'll be
taken to a page that feeds back to you your user name. Hopefully, you wrote
down your password. You'll also be given some fine print about Nicenet and a
button to "Finish Registration." , click it.

Next stop is a page asking for your username and password. Enter them and
click on "Log in to the ICA" button. You'll be taken to the home page for
the GVC 2009/10 Teacher's Lounge, where you'll see access to personal
messages (for private or small group communication), conferencing (for
public messages), link sharing, and documents.

Before you start exploring the environment and interacting with each other,
look to the left for a link that says "Edit User Profile." Click it and add
an abbreviated name of your country in the "Phone" field to help identifying
yourself. I'm asking for an abbreviation because when teams are assigned at
the end of September, you'll be adding your team number to it as well and
don't want to use too much space.

(If you were a previous GVC participant from before we started using
Nicenet, make sure you identify your country in this way, and delete any old
GVC team number that you might have entered last year. Also, if you are a
previous participant, while you're in the User Profile page, be sure to
choose GVC 2009/10 Teacher's Lounge as your Default Class. Later, you'll
probably want to change this to your new team space.)

After adding your country abbreviation and default classroom, click on the
"Edit User Info" button at the bottom of the page, and you should find
yourself back at the Teacher's Lounge home page. Please explore the various
Nicenet features so you are ready to use them by the time your teams are
assigned and your students arrive. I'll be loading some information in the
conferencing and link sharing areas. Feel free to look through them, ask
questions, and contribute yourself. The conferencing area here will be the
primary center of communication between you and I during the program.

Once you're in, please explore what I've started in the Conferencing
section, and be sure to look for the posting there that asks for your
confirmation of successful entry into the Teachers' Lounge.

Let's have fun...I'll see you on the web....

Charles Elsey
GVC Program Manager

Charles Elsey
Program Manager
Global Virtual Classroom

ICA: GVC 2009/2010 Teachers Lounge

This message is automatically generated by Nicenet as confirmation of your registration in the Internet Classroom Assistant. Nicenet recommends saving this message for future reference.

Username: rgps015

(password not printed for security reasons)

Class Name: GVC 2009/2010 Teachers Lounge

Date Created: September 30, 2009

You can log in to the ICA with the username and password above at Nicenet's home page:

Nicenet appreciates any feedback you might have about the Internet Classroom Assistant. Send your comments, complaints and suggestions to

Please read the following (obligatory) statement regarding use of the system:

Nicenet provides this forum free of charge and makes no warranty for the Internet Classroom Assistant. Information on this site is generated by the users. The Internet Classroom Assistant is a passive information conduit. The views expressed are not necessarily those of Nicenet or its members, and Nicenet is not responsible for user's conduct on the Internet Classroom Assistant. By using this service you agree to indemnify and hold Nicenet and its sponsors, affiliates, directors, agents, or other partners, and employees, harmless from any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising out of Content you submit, post to or transmit through the Service, your use of the Service, your connection to the Service, or the infringement by you, or any other subscriber of your account, of any intellectual property or your violation of any rights of another.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Q: Where does the word "music" actually come from?

A: According to the Kids! dictionary, "music " comes from the Greek word meaning"(art) of the Muses." Now just who are the Muses, you ask? Well, in Greek mythology the Muses are the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the Goddess of Memory. They are the goddesses of inspiration, learning, the arts, and culture. Stories say these nine daughters of Zeus love to dance and sing. People believe they inspire artists, musicians, and writers to create beauty through their work, so it's no wonder the word "music" comes from the Muses!
(from Yahoo! kids Ask Earl

Zeus (from )

Mnemosyne (from

9 Muses (from

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Do you really know how to recycle?

Do you really know how to recycle?
Can you do the recycling in a very short time?
Try this game and show us your score!

Monday, September 14, 2009

you can leave your commentssssssss now!!!:)

Hello everyone!
如果有人今晚就要嘗試的!!You can try it now!!!!!!!


Sunday, September 13, 2009


I am one of your English teachers.
My name is Pizzicato; you can also call me Mr. Hu.
I like architecture and music.
I also like to travel and make friends.
I have an English blog about Raey Guang.
You are welcome to come and chat with me!!!


所以,第一個猜出來老師上面的照片是在哪裡拍的人也可以加分!!(要寫出國家,地點以及建築物名稱,如果有建成時間與其他資訊更棒!!! and.......please try to use English to answer me!!)


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


班級 姓名 EN 備註
5-1 許維頡 Wei-Jie G1
6-1 鍾玎萱 Amelia G1
6-1 劉逸弘 Wison G1
6-1 楊子毅 Joseph G1
6-1 李柏儒 Paul G1
6-1 林依萱 Annie G1
5-2 白芷毓 Peggy G2
5-6 洪得綺 Doris G2
6-2 林其叡 Ray G2
6-2 陳羿頻 Betty G2
6-2 涂喻媗 Bella G2
6-2 陳宣伶 Selina G2
5-4 王駿鈜 Ben G3
5-6 陳均 Peter G3
6-3 李彥琳 G3
6-3 徐偉甯 David G3
6-3 劉冠宏 Jack G3
6-3 鄧羽庭 Sandy G3
5-3 簡孝先 Allen G4
6-4 翁于婷 Becky G4
6-4 李宛諼 Lucy G4
6-4 童予璇 Ariel G4
6-5 陳柔方 Genie G4
6-5 林詩耘 Tina G4
5-3 侯樺諭 Phoebe G5
5-3 王珂涓 Connie G5
6-5 徐子玲 Erica G5
6-5 徐于倢 Vincent G5
6-6 陳雅惠 Angel G5
6-6 汪治均 Jamie G5
5-5 林書丞 G6
5-5 曾詠翎 Linda G6
5-5 陳宓 Amy G6
6-1 方怡靜 Rita G6
6-1 楊育杰 Jay G6
6-2 吳政廷 Dominic G6

Monday, September 7, 2009


What is it?
The paper Gator is a unique fundraiser where your non-profit organization (church or school) is paid to collect paper products and place them in a bin for recycling.

Why do it?
Being good stewards of our resources is a great reason by itself, but in this case you also earn funs for recycling!!

How does it work?
1. Promote
2. Collect
3. Get paid

Where does the paper go?
The paper will be picked up once a week and take to BPV Environmental in Byron Center, Michigan to be processed.

What will the paper become?
The paper will be shredded and processed into hydro seeding mulch, lawn establishment products, lawn repair products, cat litter, dog litter or small animal bedding.

What can go in the bins?
1. Newsprint
2. Catalogs/Magazines
3. Junk mail
4. Phone Books
5. Office/school paper
6. Hard and soft cover books

What can't go in the bins?
1. Plastic
2. Metal
3. Trash
4. Glass
5. Cardboard
6. Paperboard (Grocery item boxes)